Beginnings in Childhood
Anya has been dancing since her Childhood. Begun in a carnival dance, sports, and later attended courses in Jazz and Modern Dance. Here you could not only improve your musical talent, but came at the same time, with different music styles and dances in touch. Early on, they began to make their own choreographies on the legs, which were initially reserved only to the parents, but later also in the club dances were integrated. In addition to dancing, she also played the accordion and was a long time part of a musical orchestra.
Mit dem Beginn des Fitnesstrainings und dem damit verbundenen Krafttraining gelangte Anya 2012 zum Bodybuilding. 3 Jahre in Folge stand sie in internationalen Meisterschaften auf der Bühne und konnte immer mit guten Platzierungen glänzen. 2012 war sie nicht nur internationale Ostdeutsche Vizemeisterin in der Kategorie Bikini Fitness, sondern wurde noch im gleichen Jahr 6. auf der Internationalen Deutschen Meisterschaft.
It is training to coach B-license and dietary advice followed.
Im Jahr 2021 feierte Anya ihr 10 jähriges Zumba® Anniversary and is of the Sport and the many great participants enthusiastic than ever!